Special Playback Modes
Special playback modes (except of playback pause and fast/rewind playback) can only be operated with the wireless controller.
e/a (play/pause) button 3 (stop) button
1 (fast forward) button ` (rewind) button
e/a (Playback Pause)
To pause playback, press the e/a button. Press the e/a button to resume playback. The camcorder goes into stop mode after 5 minutes in playback pause mode.
1 (Fast Forward Playback) / ` (Rewind Playback)
Plays back the tape at 9.5 times normal speed (forward or reverse). Press and hold the button during normal playback or fast forward.
+/ae (Frame Advance) /
Plays back
SLOW I (Slow Forward)/(Slow Reverse)
Plays back at about 1/3 normal speed. For slow forward playback, press the SLOW M button. For slow reverse playback, press the
Plays back in reverse at normal speed. Press the button during normal playback. Press the e (play) button return to normal playback. The camcorder goes into stop mode after 5 minutes in reverse playback pause.
⋅2 (Forward ⋅2 Playback)/(Reverse ⋅2 Playback)
Plays back at 2 times normal speed. Press the button during normal or reverse playback. Press the e (play) button return to normal playback.
❍There is no sound during special playback.
❍ The picture may become distorted during some special playback modes.
Mastering Basics the