Many applications do not follow the above Microsoft Windows guidelines. Until you are familiar with how your Microsoft Windows application uses the Microsoft Windows Printing System settings, it's a

2YHUYLHZ3ULQWLQJ6\VWHPRIWKHgood0LFURVRIW:LQGRZVidea to verify the settings each time you print.

The Microsoft Windows Printing System dialog boxes, where you select printing options, differ depending on whether you are using Microsoft Windows 95 or Microsoft Windows 3.1 or Microsoft

0LFURVRIW:LQGRZVWindows￿￿for Workgroups 3.1.

Youzselect*HQHUDOprinting options with the following tabs.

￿￿￿8VLQJWKH0LFURVRIW:LQGRZV3ULQWLQJ6\VWHPPrints a test page and a separator page.

Chapter 2

Page 14
Image 14
Canon BJC-620 user manual Chapter