WhenHUthe printer is ready, the icon looks like it does during printing, but without'RQHthe progress bar.
When the printing has finished, a stack of pages appears on the printerLQJ. 3DXVHG
3ULQWWhen printing:DUPLQJis paused,8Sthe icon shows a II mark.
When the printer is preparing for printing, the icon shows an
When the Microsoft Windows rinting System has an information message, the icon shows a large (i) and blinks to get your attention. To read the text of the message, restore the Status Window to its full
When the Status Window displays an alert, the window automatically opens to its full size. You can, however, minimize the window to an icon showing the exclamation mark (!) that identifies an alert.
Even if you minimize the alert, you will not be able to resume printing
8VLQJWKH0LFURVRIWuntil:LQGRZV3ULQWLQJyou take the action 6\VWHPspecified in the