The shaded portion in the following figure0DUJLQVshows the printable area for papers.
| ,QFKHV | PP |
| Right |
| 0.25 in | 3.4 mm |
| Left |
| 0.25 in | 3.4 mm |
| Top |
| 0.33 in | 8.5 mm |
| 0.28 in | 7.11 mm |
The shaded portion in the following figure0DUJLQVshows the printable area for envelopes.
| ,QFKHV | PP |
| Right | 0.25 in | 6.4 mm |
| Left | 1.24 in | 10.4 mm |
| Top | 0.l2 in | 3.0mm |
$6SHFLILFDWLRQV | Bottom | 0.28 in | 7.11 mm |
Appendix A