•Go to Device manager
•Click on the + Sign By Ports
•Select Resource Tab, and Make a Note of the Resources Settings
•Cancel Out of the LPT Port Properties
•Remove the ECP Printer Port From Device Manager
•Restart the Computer and Press the FIO Key (at 2 beeps or any other appropriate prompt)
•Press Enter, and Enter Again to Acknowledge Openings Messages
•Select Setup
•Select Communications
•Go to the LPT Port and Select the Resource Group that Matches the one Noted in Device Manager (setup 4) ***but without the dma***
•Exit and Save, the System will reboot, and should detect and configure a "NON &203EC$43UHVDULR&'6" Printer Port includingthe Printer
•While Rebooting, Hit FlO to Enter Setup
•Click on Communications Section
•Click (or Hit) Exit
'HOO'LPHQVLRQ3• When it asks you if you want to save, Hit "Y" for Yes
•Press Delete to Enter Setup
•Press Delete to Enter Setup
•Press ALT P
•Cursor to Parallel Mode
•Change to PS/2 or ECP by Using Arrow Keys
•7URXEOHVKRRWLQJPressing Escape will Exit and Save Changes