The most basic problems you may encounter are "the printer does not print" andWKH"yourSULQWHUprint qualityGRHVQRWis notSULQWsatisfactory."
Check all your cable connections
Check your Microsoft Windows Printing System setup
z,I\RXUCheck yourTXDOLW\computerLVQRWconfigurationVDWLVIDFWRU\
Clean the print head unit
{Clean the print head unit five times
,QLWLDOL]DWLRQ(UURUReplace the ink tanks
The first time you turn on the printer, it performs an initialization process and flushes the print head unit to make sure the nozzles are clear. This takes approximately three minutes. It is done only once - the first time you turn on the printer.
As the printer flushes the print head unit, various lights flash and then stay on. These lights indicate where the printer is in the cleaning process.
If a print head unit error occurs when you turn in the printer, the orange
ERROR light and one or more PRINT MODE lights flash. Follow
| Press the POWER button to turn off the printer. |
| Unplug{the printer. |
z | Wait ten seconds and then reattach the power cord. |
7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ | Remove the ink tanks. |
| Chapter 5 |