Error Messages
When one of the following messages appears on the display panel, an error has occurred in the scanner. Follow the indicated procedure to resolve the error.
■Cover Open
C o v e r O p e n
C x x x
Error Code: C001
Cause: The feeder is open.
Solution: Close the feeder.
Error Code: C002
Cause: The feeder cover is open.
Solution: Close the feeder cover.
J a m
P x x x
Error Code: Pxxx
Cause: Paper has jammed.
Solution: Remove the jammed paper. (See p. 35.)
M i s f e e d
A x x x
Cause: Feed error
Solution: Check the document and try again. If this error continues to appear, scan the document from the flatbed (platen glass).
■Send failed
S e n d f a i l e d .
Cause: An error occurred while transferring image data for a Job function.
Solution: Check the Job Registration Tool settings, and scan again. For details, see Chapter 9 “Job Registration Tool Settings” in the User Manual.
■Detect Mix Doc.
D e t e c t M i x D o c .
J x x x
Cause: Mixed size documents were detected while scanning at 600 dpi resolution.
Solution: Check the size of the documents, and scan again. If this message appears when you are scanning documents of different sizes, set the mixed document mode to ON in the scanner settings to prevent this message from appearing.
■Call for Service
C a l l | f o r | S e r v i c e |
E x x x x x x x
Error Code: E2020001
Cause: The transportation screws are still installed on the scanner.
Solution: Turn the scanner OFF, and remove the transportation screws. (See p. 2.)
Error Code: E2250101
Cause: The amount of light emitted from the
Solution: If you restart the scanner, the
Error Code: E4000100
Cause: One or more of the rear cables are disconnected.
Examples Practical