MENU File Numbering Methods

Manual Reset

This creates a new folder and starts the file numbering from XXX-0001. Subsequent images you capture are stored in this new folder. File numbering method (auto reset / continuous numbering) is the one you set before manual reset.

The file numbers are like the frame numbers on a roll of film.

For details on file names, see “Basic Terminology.” (p.155)

Creating a Folder with a Personal Computer

You can also use a personal computer to create a new folder to store images. With the CF card open on the screen, create a new folder named “Dcim.”

Open the Dcim folder and create new folders within it. Create as many folders as necessary to organize your images. Name the folders with a name like 100ABC_D where the first three numbers range from 100 to 999 followed immediately by five letters. The five letters can be a combination of upper or lower case letters from A to Z and an underbar. There can be no space.

The camera will not recognize folder names such as “100ABC” (insufficient letters) or “001ABC_F” (the number must be 100 to 999). Also, folder names cannot have the same three-digit number such as “100ABC_C” and “100ABC_D” even if the letters are different.

It is recommended that you start numbering folders from “100.” If the last file number inside the folder reaches 9999, create a new folder with the camera to store subsequent images. If you create only one folder in the CF card and number it 999, you will not be able to take more pictures after reaching file number 9999 in that folder.