Image Customization Features

Still Images

Changing the Aspect Ratio

Change the image aspect ratio (ratio of width to height) as follows.

Configure the setting.

Press the mbutton, choose in the menu, and choose the desired option (p. 44).

Once the setting is complete, the screen aspect ratio will be updated.

To restore the original setting, repeat this process but choose .

Same aspect ratio as HDTVs, used for display on widescreen HDTVs or similar display devices.

Same aspect ratio as 35 mm film, used for printing images at 5 x 7-inch or postcard sizes.

Native aspect ratio of the camera screen, used for printing images at 3.5 x 5-inch or A-series sizes.

Square aspect ratio.

Aspect ratio commonly used for portraits.

At aspect ratios other than , digital zoom (p. 55) is not available ([Digital Zoom] is set to [Off]).