CANON Digital Galvano Scanner System KP-1SM Series + GC-251
Users Manual 1.00
Parameter ID 44 Parameter
Name Deviation Limit
Data Deviation limit (Unit: pulse)
Return Value 0: Parameter setting successful
1: Parameter setting unsuccessful
Explanation If a deviation from the target value is great, an excess current usually flows, causing a
current saturation error.
Make adjustments so that the controller will not deviate beyond this setting.
Note: This is usually set appropriately at shipping.
Parameter ID 48 Parameter
Encoder VR Adjustment
Head 1 A/B-phase Offset
Data A/B-phase offset of encoder VR adjustment head 1 (Unit: none)
Return Value 0: Parameter setting successful
1: Parameter setting unsuccessful
Explanation This parameter is used to adjust the offset of encoder signal.
Note: This is usually set appropriately at shipping.
Parameter ID 49 Parameter
Encoder VR Adjustment
Head 1 A-phase Amplitude
Data A-phase amplitude of encoder VR adjustment head 1 (Unit: none)
Return Value 0: Parameter setting successful
1: Parameter setting unsuccessful
Explanation This parameter is used to adjust the A-phase amplitude of the encoder signal.
Note: This is usually set appropriately at shipping.
Parameter ID 50 Parameter
Encoder VR Adjustment
Head 1 B-phase Amplitude
Data B-phase amplitude of encoder VR adjustment head 1 (Unit: none)
Return Value 0: Parameter setting successful
1: Parameter setting unsuccessful
Explanation This parameter is used to adjust the B-phase amplitude of the encoder signal.
Note: This is usually set appropriately at shipping.