Depending on the settings, you may need to select the WEP index key first.
If you selected [Shared Key], skip to step 6.
Available channels will be different for Ad Hoc 11b/g and 11a connections.

Connection Wizard

Ad Hoc Connections

4Select the channel and then press SET.

5Select the Ad Hoc connection’s encryption method and then press SET.

If you selected [WEP], continue with step 6 below.

If you selected [No encryption], skip to step 7.

Infrastructure Connections

4Select the Wi-Fi network’s authentication method and then press SET.

5Select the Wi-Fi network’s encryption method and then press SET.

If the authentication method is [Open], you can select [WEP] and continue to step 6, or [No encryption] and skip to step 7.

If the authentication method is [WPA-PSK] or [WPA2-PSK], you can select [TKIP] or [AES].

6Enter the encryption key as described in the previous section (A 12).

7Continue with the procedure to configure the IP address assignment (A 15).