Other Playback Functions (PLAY)
This section explains menu items that you can use to configure settings and perform other playback operations.
For information about menu operations, see page 58.
Playing a Slideshow on the Camera (Slideshow)
[p] (PLAY) * [MENU] * PLAY Tab * Slideshow
Starts the slideshow.
Specifies the type of images to be included in the slideshow
All images: Snapshots and movies
TOnly: Snapshots only » Only: Movies only
Date Setting: Images from specific dates
• Perform the following steps to specify a date.
1Use [8], [2], [4], and [6] to move the red selection boundary the date you want to select, and then press [SET].
This will select the check box of date you selected.
2Repeat step 1to select all of the dates whose images you want include in the slideshow.
3After selecting all of the images you want, press [BS].
• If you save an image using any one of the following functions, the image will appear in the calendar on the date that you saved.
Lighting, White Balance, Brightness, Resize, Trimming, Copy, MOTION PRINT
• If you edit the date and/or time of an image, the image still will appear on the date it was originally recorded.
• You can select up to 15 images for a slideshow.
• All currently selected slideshow images are deselected whenever you turn off the camera.
Time from the start to the end of the slideshow
1 to 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 60 minutes
80Other Playback Functions (PLAY)