Using the List-Create Submenu

The [List][Create] submenu contains commands that are related to creating lists.

useq [Action][List][Create][seq]

Function: Generates a list in accordance with a numeric sequence expression.

Syntax: seq (Exp, variable, start value, end value [,step size] [ ) ]

Example: To generate a list in accordance with the expression x2 + 2x when the start value is 1, the end value is 5, and the step size is 2

“1” is the default when you omit “[,step size]”.

The step size must be a factor of the difference between the start value and the end value.

uaugment [Action][List][Create][augment]

Function: Creates a new list by appending one list to another.

Syntax: augment (List-1, List-2 [ ) ]

Example: To combine list {1, 2} and list {3, 4}

ufill [Action][List][Create][fill]

Function: Replaces the elements of a list with a specified value or expression. This command can also be used to create a new list whose elements all contain the same value or expression, or a new list in which the frequency of each element in the first list is determined by the corresponding element in the second list.

Syntax: fill (Exp/Eq/Ineq, number of elements [ ) ]

fill (Exp/Eq/Ineq, List [ ) ]

fill (List, List [ ) ]

Example: To create a list consisting of four identical elements (2)

usubList [Action][List][Create][subList]

Function: Extracts a specific section of a list into a new list.

Syntax: subList (List [,start number] [,end number] [ ) ]

Example: To extract the second through the fourth elements of the list {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}

The leftmost element is the default when you omit “[,start number]”, and the rightmost element is the default when you omit “[,end number]”.

ushift [Action][List][Create][shift]

Function: Returns a list in which elements have been shifted to the right or left by a specific amount.

Syntax: shift (List [,number of shifts] [ ) ]

Specifying a negative value for “[,number of shifts]” shifts to the right, while a positive value shifts to the left.

Right shift by one (–1) is the default when you omit “[,number of shifts]”.

Example: To shift the elements of the list {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} to the left by three

Chapter 2: Main Application