Using the Bender Wheel
You can use the bender wheel to slide the pitch of notes smoothly upwards and downwards. This capability makes it possible to reproduce saxophone and electric guitar choking effects.
Adding a Pitch Bend Effect
1. While playing a note on the keyboard, rotate the 1 (BENDER) wheel on the left of the keyboard upwards or downwards.
The amount the note bends depends on how much you rotate the pitch bend wheel.
•Do not have the pitch bend wheel rotated as you turn on the Digital Piano.
•You also can configure pitch bend wheel operation by specifying the amount of pitch change at maximum rotation in either direction. For more information, see the separate “Tutorial”.
Modifying Notes with the Modulation Wheel, Knobs and Sliders
You can modify notes even while you are playing. Each tone is preset with effects that are appropriate for it.
1. While playing on the keyboard with your right hand, you can
operate the 2 (MODULATION)
wheel, 3 knobs (K1 through K4), and sliders 4 (S1) through
The amount effect applied depends on how much the applicable control is moved.
•Do not have the modulation wheel, knobs, or sliders in a moved position as you turn on the Digital Piano.
•You can change the effects and functions assigned to the modulation wheel, knobs, and sliders. For more information, see the separate “Tutorial”.
zFor information about other functions related to “Using