USB Flash Drive

Saving Digital Piano Data to a USB Flash Drive

Use the following procedure to save Digital Piano data to a USB flash drive.

The following types of data can be stored to USB flash drive.

Stage setups, tones, arpeggios, phrases, song sequencer data, all data

1. Insert the USB flash drive into the Digital Piano’s USB flash drive port (es).

2. Hold down the er (MEDIA) button until the “MEDIA” screen appears.

3. Use the dt (w) and ek (q) buttons to select “Save”.

4. Press the em (ENTER) button.

5. Use the dt (w) and ek (q) buttons to select a data type of the data you want to save.

You can select one of the data types below.

Stage setups (Stage Setting), tones (Tone), arpeggios (Arpeggio), phrases (Phrase), song sequencer data (Song Seq), all data (All Data)

To save a song sequencer data as a MIDI file (SMF), select “Song Seq” and then press the em (ENTER) button. Next, select “SMF Save” and then press the em (ENTER) button again.

6.Press the em (ENTER) button.

7.Specify the number of the data you want to save to the USB flash drive.

For details about how to do this, see “Changing a Number or a Value” in “Operations Common to All Modes” (page E-9).

When saving a tone, you can use buttons bo through cl (tone group) to select the type of file being saved.

8.Press the em (ENTER) button.

This will display a confirmation message “SURE?”.

If you want to cancel the save, press the eo (NO) or dr (EXIT) button.

9.Press the eo (YES) button.

The message “Please Wait” will remain on the display while the save operation is being performed. Do not perform any Digital Piano operation while this message is on the display. “Complete” appears on the display after data save is complete.

If there is already a file with the same name on the USB flash drive, a message “Replace?” will appear asking if you want to overwrite it with the new data. Press the eo (YES) button to overwrite or the eo (NO) button to cancel the save operation.

USB Flash Drive Data (File) Storage Locations

The above procedure stores Digital Piano data in a folder named MUSICDAT on the USB flash drive.

The above data folders are created automatically when you format the USB flash drive on the Digital Piano (page E-31).

Note that a file not in one of the data folders cannot be loaded, deleted, or renamed by the Digital Piano. You also will not be able to recall, delete, or play any file stored in any subfolder inside one of the data folders.

Loading Data from a USB Flash Drive to Digital Piano Memory

You can use the procedure below to load data from a USB flash drive into Digital Piano memory.

1. Insert the USB flash drive into the Digital Piano’s USB flash drive port (es).

2. Hold down the er (MEDIA) button until the “MEDIA” screen appears.

3. Use the dt (w) and ek (q) buttons to select “Load”.

4. Press the em (ENTER) button.

5. Use the dt (w) and ek (q) buttons to select

a data type of the data you want to load.

You can select one of the data types below.

Stage setups (Stage Setting), tones (Tone), arpeggios (Arpeggio), phrases (Phrase), song sequencer data (Song Seq), all data (All Data)

6.Press the em (ENTER) button.

7.Specify the number of the data you want to load from the USB flash drive.

For details about how to do this, see “Changing a Number or a Value” in “Operations Common to All Modes” (page E-9).

When loading a tone, you can use buttons bo through cl (tone group) to select the type of file being loaded. bo (PIANO) to bt (SYNTH/VARIOUS) buttons:

Melody tone data (ZTN)

ck (DRUMS) button: Drum sound data (ZDR)

cl (HEX LAYER) button: Hex layer tone data (ZLT)

8.Press the em (ENTER) button.

This will display a confirmation message “SURE?”.

If you want to cancel the data load, press the eo (NO) or dr (EXIT) button.
