C H A P T E R 7
H.248 Services—Signaling and Control
The data border element (DBE) of the Integrated Session Border Controller (SBC) manages media packets, but it also takes part in forwarding signaling packets to the signaling border element (SBE). In this way, the DBE helps in signaling interworking.
The SBE generates controlling packets and, through the H.248 interface, informs the DBE on management of media packets, as well as signaling packets. After the DBE creates media pinholes and defines the policy, the DBE manages the media packets based on that policy. The features in this chapter describe different H.248 services and controlling functions of the DBE.
For a complete description of commands used in this chapter, see the Cisco IOS Integrated Session Border Controller Command Reference.
•DBE Signaling Pinhole Support, page
•Extension to H.248 Audit Support, page
•Extension to H.248 Termination Wildcarding Support, page
•Flexible Address Prefix Provisioning, page
•Local Source Properties (Address and Port), page
•Locally Hairpinned Sessions, page
•Optional Local and Remote Descriptors, page
•Remote Source Address Mask Filtering, page
•RTP Specific Behavior Support, page
•ServiceChange Notification for Interface Status Change, page
•Video on Demand (VOD) Support, page
Cisco IOS XE Integrated Session Border Controller Configuration Guide for the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers
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