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Figure 14. Configuring Mobility Agents and Switch Peer Group on Cisco Catalyst 3850
In this case the additional Cisco Catalyst 3850 Switches can be added and configured as mobility agents with the
previously configured switch acting as mobility controller. The mobility agents can be configured in one SPG.
Relevant configurations to be done on the mobility controller are given in the following:
wireless mobility controller peer-group SPG1
wireless mobility controller peer-group SPG1 member ip public-ip
wireless mobility controller peer-group SPG1 member ip public-ip
where an SPG, SPG1, is defined on the mobility controller, with and as the switch/wireless
management IP addresses of the mobility agent switches configured as members of SPG1.
On the mobility agent switches, one needs to configure the mobility controller, SSID, WLAN, and authentication
methods. The following is the configuration shown on the MA1 switch as seen in the preceding network diagram.