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Mac Address VlanId IP Address Src If Auth Mob
-------------- ------ --------------- ------------------ -------- -------
b065.bdbf.77a3 500 0x00D03BC000000002 RUN ANCHOR
b065.bdb0.a1ad 500 0x00D03BC000000002 RUN ANCHOR
Figure 26 shows client roam across MCs
Figure 26. Client Roams Across Mobility Controllers (Intersubdomain) in Converged Access
In the preceding scenario, the wireless clients roam from the mobility agent in SPG2 across the subdomain to an
access point connected to another mobility controller (MC2) in the same mobility group.
This roam again has to be back-hauled using the mobility controllers through the mobility controller-to-mobility
controller CAPWAP mobility tunnel, and then from mobility controller-to-mobility agent CAPWAP mobility tunnel to
the anchor mobility agent. Relevant outputs start from the foreign switch, which in this case is the new mobility
controller switch (MC2).
MC2#show wireless client summary
Number of Local Clients : 2
MAC Address AP Name WLAN State Protocol
b065.bdb0.a1ad 1042_G1/0/1_BD0C 1 UP 11n(5)
b065.bdbf.77a3 1042_G1/0/1_BD0C 1 UP 11n(5)
MC2#show wcdb database all