Cisco TelePresence SX20 Quick Set

Administrator guide

Table of contents Introduction

Web interface Advanced settings Appendices











The SerialPort settings

SerialPort Mode

Set the COM 1 serial port to be enabled/disabled.

Requires user role: ADMIN

Value space: <On/Off>

On: Enable the COM 1 serial port.

Off: Disable the COM 1 serial port.

Example: SerialPort Mode: On

SerialPort BaudRate

Specify the baud rate (data transmission rate, bits per second) for the COM 1 port. The default value is 38400.

Connection parameters for the COM port: Data bits: 8; Parity: None; Stop bits: 1; Flow control: None.

Requires user role: ADMIN

Value space: <9600/19200/38400/57600/115200>

Range: Select a baud rate from the baud rates listed (bps).

Example: SerialPort BaudRate: 38400

SerialPort LoginRequired

Determine if login shall be required when connecting to the COM 1 port.

Requires user role: ADMIN

Value space: <On/Off>

On: Login is required when connecting to the codec through COM 1 port.

Off: The user can access the codec through COM 1 port without any login.

Example: SerialPort LoginRequired: On

D14908.01 SX20 Administrator Guide (TC5.1) 2012 FEBRUARY © 2012 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.