Cisco Systems MD-110 manual Organization, Conventions, Convention Description

Models: MD-110

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Chapter 1 of the Ericsson MD-110 Serial Integration Guide describes the steps needed to integrate the phone system and the voice messaging system.

Chapter 2 describes the steps needed for a “dual phone system integration”an integration of the voice messaging system with both Cisco CallManager and a traditional, circuit-switched phone system at the same time.


The Ericsson MD-110 Serial Integration Guide uses the following conventions.

Table 1 Ericsson MD-110 Serial Integration Guide conventions





boldfaced text

Boldfaced text is used for:


Key and button names. (Example: Click OK.)


Information that you enter. (Example: Enter


Administrator in the User Name box.)



< >

Angle brackets are used around parameters for which you

(angle brackets)

supply a value. (Example: In the Command Prompt


window, enter ping <IP address>.)




Hyphens separate keys that must be pressed


simultaneously (for example, Ctrl-Alt-Delete).




A right angle bracket is used to separate selections that

(right angle

you make:


On menus. (Example: On the Windows Start menu,



click Settings > Control Panel > Phone and


Modem Options.)


In the navigation bar of the Cisco Unity


Administrator. (Example: Go to System >


Configuration > Settings.)



Ericsson MD-110 Serial Integration Guide





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Cisco Systems MD-110 manual Organization, Conventions, Convention Description