When You Think The Printer Might be Broken
Below are some situations where the printer appears to be malfunctioning, but in not.
Please check this guide when you have trouble.
Problem | Cause | Solution |
Unit Does Not | [ Battery voltage is | [ Recharge battery |
Operate | too low | [ Turn the power switch to ON |
| [ Power is not ON |
The Print Command | [ The Printer is not | [ Connect unit correctly. |
Results in an Error | connected to your | [ Turn the power switch to ON |
Sign | electronic scheduler | [ Recharge battery |
| [ The power in not ON | [ Remove the paper and clear the |
| [ Battery voltage is | error |
| too low |
| [ There is paper |
| jammed in the print |
Printer will not | [ The distance | [Place the printer and host within 20- |
Operate using | between unit and | 80 cm of each other |
Optical Communic | host is too small or | [Realign the optical receptors so that |
| too great | they line up with each other |
| [ The Optical |
| Receptors are not |
| facing each other |
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