Wiring Description

18-Pin Main HarnessPin 1 - BLACK: Ground.

Connect to a solid chassis ground. Be sure to use a ring connector of proper size. Scrape away the paint at the grounding point.

Pin 2 - YELLOW: Door Trigger (+12v) input

Connect to positive door switch circuit. This circuit, commonly found in Ford vehicles, will show +12v when the door is open.

Pin 3 - WHITE/brown: Hood/Trunk Trigger (-) input

Connect to negative output from hood and/or trunk switches.

Pin 4 - YELLOW/violet: Auxiliary Function 3 (-) output

Provides a negative output to activate a relay. The output of this wire can be programmed to operate in one of three operating modes. See Programming.

Momentary - provides output for as long as the transmitter button is pressed.

Latched - provides an output that stays active until the transmitter button is pressed again.

Timed - provides an output that stays active for 30 seconds when the transmitter button is pressed. If the transmitter button is pressed again during the 30 seconds, the output will turn off.

Possible uses of the latched and timed outputs include: audio system valet, auxiliary lighting control, timed headlight operation, etc.

Pin 5 - BLUE: Starter Defeat Normally Closed (-) output

Provides a negative output while the alarm is Armed and during alarming to disable the vehicle’s starter circuits. Connect to the provided Starter Kill Relay socket as shown.


to Starter



to alarm


BLUE wire



to alarm VIOLET wire



to Ignition Key +12v in “on” and “start”

In this configuration, the vehicle’s starter will be disabled only when the system is armed and alarming. If power to the system is lost or the system becomes disconnected, the vehicle will be able to start.

Page 8 - MS8200 / MS8300 Installation Manual