3-Pin Door Lock HarnessPin 1 - WHITE/green: Door Lock (-) / Door Unlock (+)Pin 2 - **not used**Pin 3 - WHITE/blue: Door Unlock (-) / Door Lock (+)

These wires can be directly connected to negative and positive triggered door lock systems. For Voltage Reversal systems and After-market actuators, add relays. For further information, see Door Lock Diagrams. For selection of Double Pulse output, Comfort Closure, and 4-second pulse, see Programming and Jumper and Switch Settings.

4-Pin Optional Sensor HarnessPin 1 - RED: +12v output.

Provides +12v to power optional sensor. Do not connect this wire to anything other than an optional sensor or the Space Shield III, included with the MS8300.

Pin 2 - WHITE or WHITE/orange: Armed (-) output.

Provides ground to turn on the optional sensor only when the system is Armed.

Pin 3 - WHITE/violet: Optional Sensor (-) trigger input.

Connect to the negative trigger output from an optional sensor.

Pin 4 - VIOLET/ yellow: Warn Away (-) input.

Connect to the negative Warn Away output from an optional sensor.

Other Harnesses

For details on the Status LED and Override Switch, see Mounting Components.

Extra LEDs

Up to 3 extra LEDs can be added. Cut the Red LED wire and connect in series as shown.



MS8200 / MS8300 Installation Manual - Page 11