Page 26 Coby Electronics Corp oration Page 27
Enter FOLDER mo de to v iew, play, or delete les
on your player.
You can also connect your player to a com puter to
easily manage your le library.
The mode that the player is in upon entering FOLDER mode will
determine which types of les or fold ers will be di splayed (i.e.,
Play Music or Voice Mode).

Folder Controls

A directory tre e will b e displayed on-screen upon enter ing FOLDER mode
from the Main Menu.
If you were p reviously in Play Musi c mode, only music les wil l be dis -
If you were previously i n Voice mode, only voice r ecording  les will be
Use the following controls in FO LDER mode.
Key Function
Press Select the next le or folder (down).
Press Select the previous le or folde r (up).
If a folder is selected, th e folder’s c ontents will
be displayed.
If a le is selected, an opt ion box will be di s-
Select “Play Now” to play the sel ected le.
Select “Delete?” to delete the selected le,
and then select “Yes” to conrm the deletion.
If the icon is se lected, the previous folder’s
contents will be displayed.
Press Return to Main Menu.