Page 18 Coby Electronics Corp oration Page 19
Enter VOICE mode from the Main Menu to play
your recorded les ( Voice or FM Tuner). If no re-
cordings have been made yet, t he display will re ad
“No Files”.
The rst 3 letters of voice reco rding les are “MI C”.
The rst 2 letters of FM Tuner recordin g les are “FM”.
VOICE mode wi ll play all comp atible audio recording les on
your player, regardless of directory.

Voice Controls

Use the following controls in VO ICE mode.
Key Function
Press Start/Resume track pl ayback.
During playback, press to pause playback.
Hold (2 seconds) Stop track playback complete ly.
Press Play the next track.
Hold Fast-forward through the cu rrent track.
Press Play the previous track.
Hold Reverse through the current tr ack.
Press Decrease the volume level.
Press Increase the volume level.
Press Start Repeat A-B Mode.
Hold Return to Main Menu.