Page 30 Coby Electronics Corp oration Page 31
Transferring Fi les
The USB 2.0 High-Speed connection make s it easy to transfer music les (or
any other data les) quickly betwe en the player and your c omputer. Simply
use the player as you would a oppy disk using basic operat ing system com-
If you nee d furth er assis tance w ith tran sferring les, p lease ref er to your
operating system’s instructio n manual or on -screen help. If you a re using
media management s oftware su ch as iTunes, Winamp, or Windows M edia
Player, please refer to their document ation for suppor t.
Do not disconn ect or otherwise interr upt the player during
transmission - this could damage or corrupt the player’s rm-
ware or you r les. If the playe r is accidentally disconne cted
and is not working pr operly, reset yo ur player (see the Getting
Started section for details).
Files transferred under USB- MTP mode w ill not be available whe n using a
USB-MSC connection (and v ice versa).
When the MP-C855 is conne cted under USB- MTP mode:
Double-click the “My Compute r” icon on your deskto p and then d ouble-
click the MP-C855 icon ( MTP HD Multimedia P layer).
Your player contains two folders: Da ta and Media.
Drag your media les to the M edia folder (e.g., MP3 , AVI, JPG,
WAV, WMA les).
Drag all other types of les to t he Data folde r for storage (e.g.,
TXT, DOC, XLS, etc). Data les are only v isible from a comput -
er; these les will not be availabl e from within the playe r itself.