Page 42 Coby Electronics Corp oration Page 43
Ensure that the player’s memory c apacity is not full .
Ensure that the Hold switch is dise ngaged.
There is no sound during playb ack.
Check the volume level.
Ensure that the headphones are at tached securely to t he player.
The sound quality of the music is p oor.
Try playing the le on your computer. If the so und quality is s till poor, try
downloading the le again or re -encoding the le y ourself.
Ensure that the bit rate o f the le is not too low. The higher t he bit rat e
of the le, the better it will sound. The minimum re commended bit rate is
128kbps for MP3s and 96kbps fo r WMAs.
Try lowering the volume of the player.
Ensure that the headphones are at tached securely to t he player.
The player will not play my music l e.
Ensure that the le is in a compatibl e format.
The le may be copy- protected and you no longe r have authori zation to
play this le. If you fee l this is in erro r, please c ontact the service from
which you downloaded the le.
The LCD characters are cor rupted or somet hing is wrong with t he
Ensure that the correct menu lan guage has been set.
Try resetting your player (remove and rep lace the batter y).
The player has malfunction ed.
Try resetting your player (remove and rep lace the batter y).
Try updating the player’s rmware. Please refer to the Firmware Upgrades
section of this manual for detai led instruction s.