Page 24 Coby Electronics Corp oration Page 25
Enter S ETTING mo de from t he Main M enu to
change your player’s internal opt ion settings.
The Setting Menu contains 11 optio ns.
To select an option, press or . To conrm and enter, press .
To exit the Setting Menu, press .
Item Description
Equalizer Set a digital equalizer p reset. The options ar e Normal,
Pop, Rock, Classic, Jazz, and Ba ss.
Repeat Mode
Set a Repeat Mode option. The optio ns are Normal,
Repeat One, Repeat All, Shuf e Repeat, Dir Normal ,
Dir All Repeat, Dir Shufe Rep eat.
Contrast Set the contrast level of the displa y.
Set the backlight option to chang e the duration of time
(in seconds) that the backlight wi ll remain on after a
key press. A setting of “Off ” will disable the back light
completely. A setting of “On” will ke ep the backlight
on continuously.
Backlight Color Set the color of the backlight. A setting of “Color All”
will change the backlight col or with each key press.
Power Set
Set the Power Set option to change the d uration of
time (in minutes) that the player will re main on when
it is idle. A setting of “Disable ” will turn this power
saving feature off.
Record Set
Set the Recording Quality leve l for Voice or FM
recordings. The options are 32 Kbps (lowest qualit y),
44Kbps, 64Kbps, and 88K bps (highest qualit y).
Higher quality recordings w ill take up more memor y
than lower quality recording s.
Langauge Set the Language that the menus app ear in.
Version View your player’s rmware i nformation.
Info View your player’s memory infor mation.