Configuring the GbE Interconnect Switch Using the Web-Based Management Interface

Configuring the SNMP Manager

When you select SNMP Manager from the Management menu, the following screen is displayed.

The SNMP Manager Configuration window allows you to configure SNMP parameters.

You can change the following parameters:

Community String—Type a user-defined SNMP community name.

Access Right—Choose the access of Read-Onlyor Read-Writeusing the SNMP community name.

Status—Set the status of the current community string to Valid or Invalid.

Click Apply after making changes to the settings.

NOTE: To save the configuration settings permanently, you must enter them into NVRAM using the Save Changes option on the Maintenance menu. Refer to the section, “Saving Changes,” earlier in this chapter.


Compaq ProLiant BL p-Class GbE Interconnect Switch User Guide