Chapter 8 BIOS ROM
Compaq iPAQ Family of Internet Devices
First Edition - March 2000
The flash ROM device can be re-written with updated BIOS code if necessary. The flash ing
procedure is as follows:
1. Create a s ystem (bootable) di skette using the FORMAT A: /S command in DOS.
2. Download the appropriate BIOS firmware from the Compaq web site.
3. Copy the downloaded BIOS file and the flash utility file onto the boot diskett e.
4. Unzip the BIOS and flash utility files, which should result in an .exe file and a .bin file.
5. Place the boot diskette in to drive A: an d reboot the syst em.
6. At the A: prompt, type in




.bin (there is a space between the file
names) and press Enter.
7. At the Flash Memory Write menu, to the question Do you want to save BIOS? select Y. If
you want to save the current BIOS then type the current BIOS name and the extension after
File name to save (example: type in 613j900.bin). Alternately, select N if you do not want
to save the current BIOS.
8. To the question Are you sure to program? select Y.
9. Wait until the message Power Off or Reset the system, indicating the BIOS has been
loaded succes sfully. Then r emove the boot dis kette. Should power be lost or the system
reset during this time (before the message is displayed) the BIOS code in ROM will
likely be corrupted and the procedure will have to be repeated (starting at step 5).
10. Turn off (power down) t he system.
11. While holding the End key down, turn on (power up) the system, making sure the End key
is held down until the Setup utility is entered.
12. Complete the Setup utility as appropriate.
13. Re-boot the syst em.