Technical Reference Guide
Compaq iPAQ Family of Internet Devices
First Edition - March 2000
1-7Table 1-1. Acronyms and Abbreviations
Acronym/Abbreviation Description
SCSI small computer system interface
SDRAM Synchronous Dynamic RAM
SEC Single Edge-Connector
SECAM sequential colour av ec memoire (sequential color with memory)
SF sign flag
SGRAM Synchronous Graphics RA M
SIMD Single instruction multiple data
SIMM single in-line memory module
SIT system information table
SMART Self Monitor A nalysis Report Technology
SMI system management interrupt
SMM system management mode
SMRAM system management RAM
SPD serial presence detect
SPP standard parallel port
SRAM static RAM
SSE Streaming SIMD extensions
STN super twist pneumatic
SVGA super VGA
SW software
TAD telephone answering device
TAFI Temperature-sens ing And Fan control Integrated circuit
TAM telephone answ ering machine
TCP tape carrier package
TF trap flag
TFT thin-film transistor
TIA Telecommunications Information Adminis tration
TPE twisted pair ethernet
TPI track per inch
TTL transistor- transistor logic
TV television
TX transmit
UART universal asy nchronous receiver/transmitter
URL Uniform resource locator
us / ยตs microsecond
USB Universal Serial Bus
UTP unshielded twisted pair
VESA Video Electronic Standards Association
VGA video graphic s adapter
vib vibrato
VLSI very large s cale integration
WOL Wake on LAN
WRAM Windows RAM
ZF zero flag
ZIF zero insertion for ce (socket)