Technical Reference Guide
Compaq iPAQ Family of Internet Devices
First Edition - March 2000
5-19Table 5-13 lists the commands that can be sent to the 8042 by the CPU. The 8042 uses IRQ1 forgaining the attention of the CPU.Table 513. CPU Commands To The 8042Table 5-13. CPU Commands To The 8042
Value Command Description
20h Put current command byte in port 60h.
60h Load new command byte. This is a two-by te operation described as follows:
1. Write 60h to port 64h.
2. Write the command byte to port 60h as follows:
Bit <7> Reserved
<6> Keyboard Code Conversion
0 = Do not convert codes
1 = Convert codes to 9-bit 8088/8086-compatible format
Bit <5> Pointing Device Enable
0 = Enable pointing device
1 = Disable pointing device
Bit <4> Keyboard Enable
0 = Enable keyboard
1 = Disable keyboard
Bit <3> Reserved
Bit <2> System Flag
0 = Cold boot
1 = CPU reset (exit from protected mode)
Bit <1> Pointing Device Interrupt Enable
0 = Disable interrupt
1 = Enable interrupt
Bit <0> Keyboard Interrupt Enable
0 = Disable interrupt
1 = Enable interrupt
A4h Test password installed. Tests whether or not a pass word is installed in the 8042:
If FAh is returned, password is installed.
If F1h is returned, no password is installed.
A5h Load password. This multi-byte operation places a passwor d in the 8042 using the following manner:
1. Write A5h to port 64h.
2. Write each character of the password in 9-bit scan code (translated) format to port 60h.
3. Write 00h to port 60h.
A6h Enable security. This command places the 8042 in passwor d lock mode following the A5h command.
The correct password must then be entered before furt her communication with the 8042 is allowed.
A7h Disable pointing device. This command sets bit <5> of the 8042 command byte, pulling the clock line
of the pointing device interface low.
A8h Enable pointing device. This command clears bit <5> of the 8042 command byte, act ivating the clock
line of the pointing device interface.
A9h Test the clock and data lines of the pointing device interface and place tes t results in the output buffer.
00h = No error detected
01h = Clock line stuck low
02h = Clock line stuck high
03h = Data line stuck low
04h = Data line stuck high
AAh Init ialization. This command causes the 8042 to inhibit the keyboard and pointing dev ice and places
55h into the output buffer.
ABh Tes t the clock and data lines of the keyboard interface and plac e test results in the output buffer.
00h = No error detected
01h = Clock line stuck low
02h = Clock line stuck high
03h = Data line stuck low
04h = Data line stuck high
ADh Disable k eyboard command (sets bit <4> of the 8042 command byte).
AEh E nable keyboard command (clears bit <4> of the 8042 command byte).