Log Files
9.6 Log Files
The RMS daemons output reports to log files in the directory /var/rms/adm/log. The
amount of detail is controlled for each daemon by setting a reporting level. Bydefault,
the reporting level is set to 0.
The reporting level is a bitmap that turns on different reports. Values for the reports are
as follows:
Symbolic Name Value Description
INIT_DEBUGGING 1 Server initialization and shutdown messages
REQ_DEBUGGING 2 Requests made to servers
JOB_DEBUGGING 8 Job startup and change of state
RESOURCE_DEBUGGING 32 Resource allocation and change of state
MALLOC_DEBUGGING 256 Monitor server memory allocation
The level of reporting can be controlled in three ways.
1. Onan individual user basis, by setting theenvironment variable RMS_DEBUG.
2. Using rcontrol to reloadthe daemon with a specified debug value. Forexample, the
following command reloads the Machine Manager with a reporting level of 1:
#rcontrol reload server=mmanager debug=1
The following example reloads the Partition Manager for the par1 partition with a
reporting level of 41 (initialisation, job and resource information)
#rcontrol reload partition=par1 debug=41
3. Using rmsquery to set theargs field of the daemon’s entry in the servers table (see
Section 10.2.19) to -r value, where value is the required reporting level.
The following example gives the Partition Manager for the par1 partition a reporting
level of 33.
#rmsquery "update servers set args=’-r 33’ where name=’pmanager-par1’"
Then restart the PartitionManager. This change remains in place each time the
partition is restarted. The output files in /var/rms/adm/log can grow in size
rapidly when debugoptions are enabled. Takecare not to fill the file system.
9-12 Setting up RMS