rms_allocateResource, rms_deallocateResource – Allocate or deallocate a resource
cc [ flag ... ] file ... -lrmsapi -lrms [ library ... ]
#include <rms/rmsapi.h>
int rms_allocateResource(char *partition, int cpus, int baseNode,
int nodes, uid_t uid, char *project,
char *requestFlags);
int rms_deallocateResource(int rid);
partition Partition containing the resources.
cpus Totalnumber of CPUs to allocate.
baseNode ID of the first node to allocate.
nodes Number of nodes to allocate.
uid User on whose behalf the resource should be allocated.
project User’s project name.
requestFlags The request flags currently supported are as follows:
immediate=0 | 1
With a value of 1, this specifies that the request
should fail if resources are not available
hwbcast=0 | 1 With a value of 1, this specifies a contiguous range
of nodes and constrains the scheduler to queue the
request until a contiguous range becomes available.
rails=nIn a multirail system, this specifies the number of
rails required, where 1 n32.
Multiple request flags can be given as a comma-separated list;
immediate=1,hwbcast=1,for example.
D-2 RMS Application Interface