Specifies the mode for redirecting standard output from a parallel
program. The -o option overrides the value of this environment
variable. Values for mode are the same as those used with the -o
Specifies the mode for redirecting standard error from a parallel
program. The -e option overrides the value of this environment
variable. Values for mode are the same as those used with the -e
prun passes all existing environment variables through to the processes that it
executes. In addition, it sets the following environment variables:
RMS_JOBID The identifier for the job.
RMS_NNODES The number of nodes used by the application.
RMS_NODEID The logical identifier ofthe node within the set allocated to the
RMS_NPROCS The total number of processes in the application.
RMS_RANK The rank of the process in the application. The rank ranges from 0
to n-1, where nis the number of processes in the program.
RMS_RESOURCEID The identifier of the allocated resource.
In the following example, prun is used to run a four-processprogram with no
specification of where the processes should run.
$prun -n 4 hostname
The machine atlas has four CPUs per node and so, by default, the scheduler allocates
all four CPUs on one node to run the program. Add the -N option, as follows, to control
how the processes are distributed overnodes.
RMS Commands 5-17