Access Control, Usage Limits andAccounting6.1 Introduction
RMS access controls and usage limits operate on a per-useror per-projectbasis (a project
is a list of named users). Each partition may have its own controls. This mechanism
allows system administrators to control the way in which the resources of a machine are
allocated amongst the user community.
RMS accounts for resource usage by user and by project. As each request is allocated
CPUs, an accounting record is created, containing the uid of the user,the project name,
the resource identifier and information on resource usage (see Section 6.5). This record
is updated periodically while the CPUs remain allocated.
6.2 Users and Projects
When a system is first installed, there is only one project, calledthe default project. All
users are members of this projectand anyone who has logged into the system can
request all of the CPUs. This simple setup is intended for a single class of cooperating
Toaccount for resource usage by user or by project, the administrator must create
additional user and project records in the RMS database. To control the resource usage
of individuals or groupsof users, the administrator must, in addition, create access
Access Control, Usage Limits and Accounting 6-1