rmsexec – Runs a sequentialprogram on a lightly loaded node
rmsexec [-hv] [-p partition] [-s stat] [hostname]program [args ...]
-h Display the list of options.
-v Specifies verbose operation.
-p partition Specifies the target partition. The request will fail if load-balancing is
not enabled on the partition. (See Section 10.2.16).
-s stat Specifies the statistic on which to base the load-balancing calculation
(see below).
The rmsexec program provides a mechanism for running sequential programs on
lightly loaded nodes – nodes, for example, with free memory or low CPU usage. It locates
a suitable node and then runs the program on it.
The user can select a node from a specific partition (of type login or general) with the
-p option. Without the -p option, rmsexec uses the default load-balancing partition
(specified with the lbal-partition attribute in the attributes table). In addition,
the hostname of the node can be specified explicitly. The request will fail if this node is
not available to the user.System administrators may select any node.
The -s option can be used to specifya statistic on which to base the loading calculation.
Availablestatistics are:
usercpu Percentageof CPU time spent in the user state.
syscpu Percentageof CPU time spent in the system state - a measure of the
I/O load on a node.
idlecpu Percentageof CPU time spent in the idle state.
RMS Commands 5-39