rms_run – Run a program on an allocated resource
cc [ flag ... ] file ... -lrmsapi -lrms [ library ... ]
#include <rms/rmsapi.h>
int rms_run(int rid, char *cmd, char **args, char *jobFlags);
rid Resource id.
cmd Command to execute.
args Arguments for the command.
jobFlags The job flags currently supported are as follows:
tag=0 | 1 With a value of 1, this specifies that output from
each process should be tagged by the process id.
verbose=n Set the level of verbose output from the program.
Supported values are 0quiet, 1minimal output,
and 2full output.
Multiple request flags can be given as a comma-separated list;
tag=1,verbose=1,for example.
rms_run() starts a parallel program on a previously allocated resource. Any stdio to
and from theprogram is forwarded while one or more processes is running.
The call returns when the program completes.
Upon successful completion, rms_run() returns the global OR of the exit status values
of the processes in the parallel program.
D-4 RMS Application Interface