#rcontrol configure in nodes = ’atlas[1-3]’
#rcontrol configure in nodes ’atlas[1-3]’
Creating and Removing Nodes
Tocreate a new node description, use rcontrol with the create command and the
argument node followed by the hostnameof the node. Additional attribute-value pairs
specify properties of the node, such as its type and position. The attributes rack and
unit specify the position ofthe node in the system.
#rcontrol create node = atlas1 type = ES40 rack = 0 unit = 3
Toremove a nodedescription from the RMS database, use rcontrol with the remove
command and the argument node followed by the name of the node.
#rcontrol remove node = atlas1
Creating and Removing Partitions
RMS scheduling policy and access controls are based on partitions. Partitions are
non-overlappingsets of nodes. The set of partitions in operation at any time is called the
active configuration. RMS provides for several operational configurations and includes
mechanisms for switching between them with rcontrol.
Tocreate a new partition description, use rcontrol with the create command and the
argument partition followed by the nameof the partition. In addition, you must
specify the configurationto which the partition belongs. Additional attribute-value pairs
specify propertiesof the partition: a list of its nodes,its scheduling type, time limit, time
slice interval, memory limit or minimum number of CPUs that may be allocated. The
nodes attribute must be specified. Default values will be selected for the other
attributes if none are given.
#rcontrol create partition = p1 configuration = day nodes = ’atlas[1-4]’ type = parallel
The scheduling type attribute of the partition may be one of the following:
parallel The partition is for the exclusive use of gang-scheduled parallel
login The partition runs interactive user logins and load-balanced
sequential jobs.
general The partition runs all classes of job. This is the default partition type.
batch The partition is for the exclusiveuse of a batch system.
RMS Commands 5-23