rcontrol – Controls use of system resources
rcontrol command [args ...] [-ehs] [-r level] [command args ...]
-e Exit on the first error.
-h Display the list of options.
-r level Set reporting level.
-s Stop and print warning on error.
command is specified as follows:
create object [=] name [configuration=val] [partition=val] [attr=val]
object may be one of: access_control,attribute,
configuration,node,partition,project,user. If an
access_controlis specified, a partition must also be named to
identify the object uniquely.Similarly, if a partition is specified, a
configuration must also be named together with a list of nodes.
remove object [=] name [configuration=val] [partition=val]
object may be one of: access_control,attribute,
configuration,node,partition,project,user. If an
access_controlis specified, a partition must also be named to
identify the object uniquely.If a partition is specified, a
configuration must also be named to identify the object uniquely.
configure in nodes[=] list
list specifies a quoted list of nodes, such as ’atlas[1-3,6,8]’.
configure out nodes[=] list
list specifies a quoted list of nodes, such as ’atlas[1-3,6,8]’.
5-20 RMS Commands