rms_prgids, rms_prginfo, rms_getprgid – Get information on a program or programs
cc [ flag ... ] file ... -lrmscall [ library ... ]
#include <rms/rmscall.h>
int rms_prgids(int maxids, int *ids, int *nids);
int rms_prginfo(int id, int maxids, pid_t *pids, int nids);
int rms_getprgid(int pid, int *id);
id Program identifier.
pid Process identifier.
maxids Maximum number of identifiers to be returned.
ids Array of program identifiers.
pids Array of process identifiers.
nids Number of program or process identifiers returned.
rms_prgids() returns the identifiers of each active program. rms_prginfo() returns
the identifiers for each process belonging to a particular parallel program – the current
program if id is negative. rms_getprgid() returns the program identifier (if any) for a
particular process – the current process if pid is negative.
Upon successful completion, rms_prgids(),rms_prginfo() and rms_getprgid()
return 0. Otherwise, they return -1 and set errno to indicate the error.
EACCESS Caller is not permitted to perform this operation.
C-6 RMS Kernel Module