Listing of Tables
Table10.15: Jobs Table(cont.)
Field Type Description
exitStatus int exit status of the job
session int UNIX session ID of the allocating process
cmd text command being executed
Job names are sequence numbers generated automatically. The status field holds one
of the values shown in Table B.1.
While the job is running, endTime is set to the time by which the job must end,
assuming there is a timelimit on the partition. If there is no time limit, the endTime
is set to 0. Finally,endTime is updated to showthe time the job completed.
The nodes and cpus fields contain lists of node and CPU numbers in use by a job. Each
pair of values defines a cpus x nodes box allocated to the job. The total numberof
CPUs allocated is the sum of the area of these boxes. See also Section 2.4.2.
A command name, cmd, passed to prun, may be up to MAXPATHLEN in length. In the
jobs table, the commandname is truncated to 32 characters, including three dots (...)
appended to thename to show that it has been truncated.
10.2.11 The Link Errors Table
The link_errors shown in Table10.16 ,contains one entry for each link error detected
by the Switch Network Manager,swmgr (see Section 4.5).
Table10.16: Link Errors Table
Field Type Description
id int unique identifier for each error
name char(16) name of the chip detecting the fault
class char(16) type of chip detecting the fault (elan,elite)
ctime UTC time at which the error was detected
description text description of the error
Entries in this table are updated by the swmgr. High error counts in the description field
indicate that an erroris persistent. Increasing counts indicate that it iscurrent.
Entries in the description field give the IDof the link and then, in brackets, a vector
of counts for each of the supported error types. Compaq AlphaServer SC Interconnect
link errors are described in Appendix A (Compaq AlphaServer SC Interconnect Terms).
The RMS Database 10-13