IMPORTANT: Always refer to the wiring diagrams that came with your chiller to locate specific electrical components. Illustrations in the User Guide are intended to be representative only.
C h e c k i n g o r R e p l a c i n g t h e
Te m p e r a t u r e S e n s o r
The EarthSmart ECM Series Chiller uses a RTD sensor to monitor the temperature of the process coolant.
Typical location of the RTD at the chiller’s evaporator.
Replacement RTDs are available from Conair.
Contact Conair Parts
(800)458 1960 From outside of the United States, call:
(814)437 6861
To check or replace an RTD sensor:
1Disconnect and/or lockout the main power supply.
2Locate the RTD sensor.
3Check the sensor’s position and condition. Temperature readings will be incorrect if the sensor is touching the wall of a pipe or if the sensor or wiring is damaged. Sensor wires should be attached to the appropriate connection points on the chiller’s control center.
4To check with ohm meter, measure the resistance across the RTDs. The resistance should be approximately 110 ohm at room temperature. See Appendix F entitled, RTD Resistance Chart.
5Remove the sensor from its housing using an
6Inspect the sensor for cleanliness. Replace if necessary with another sensor of
6 - 8 l Tr o u b l e s h o o t i n g