Afilado de cuchillas

IMPORTANTE:Siexisteunaseparacbnde metal,reernphcelas cuchillasporotrasnuevas.

1.Paraafilarlas cuchillasde cortedeforrnaadecuada,extraiga cantidadesigualesdemetaldearnbosextrernosdelas cuchillas a Iolargode los bordescortantes,deforrnaparaMaal bordede caida,a un _.ngulode250a 30°, Figura21.

Es irnportantequecada hordede lacuchillade corteseapulido por igualpararnantenerelequilibrioadecuadode la cuchilla.Una cuchilladesequilibradacausar_vibraci6nexcesiva,y, puedeoca- sionardaSosrnaterialesa lacortadoraqueresultenen lesiones personales.Sepuedeprobarlacuchillabahnce_.ndolasobreun destornilladordeejecircular.Afile el metaldelladopesadohasta quequedebienequilibrada.



Instalaci6n de cuchillas

1.Para instalarla cuchilla,coloqueelladode lacuchillaquetiene el nQrnerodepiezaestarnpadornirandohaciaelsuelocuandola cortadoraest,. en posici6nde operaci6n.

2.UtiliceunaIlavedetorsi6nparaajustarla tuercade bridadel husillohastaentre70y 90 pies-libras.


Antesde Ilevara caboalgQntipode rnantenirnientoen la rn_.quina, esperea quetodaslas partesse detengany desconecteel cablede la bujia.Si nose observanestasinstruccionesse puedenproducir lesionespersonaleso da_osrnateriales.

Evitela posibilidadde lesionesporcornpresi6nNo. coloquelos dedosentre lascorreasy las poleas.

Lacortadorautilizatrescorreas:1)correadetransrnisi6n,2) correade enganchedela plataforrna,3) correade sincronizaci6nde lacuchilla. Antesde reernplazarunacorrea,observepord6ndepasala correa alrededorde las poleasy soportescornoayudaal instalarel repuesto.

IMPORTANTE:Lascorreasdela cortadoradec_spedhansido diseSadasespecialrnenteparaqueengraneny desengranensin riesgo.Paraquela rn_.quinafuncionede rnaneraadecuada,use correasaprobadasporelfabricante.

Reemplazo de la correa de transmisi6n

1.Detengael motor,esperea quetodas laspartesdejende rnoversey desconecteel cablede labujia.

2.Sueltetodosloscontrolesde lacortadoradecesped.

3.Retirelacubiertade la correacornose ha indicadoantesenesta secci6n.

,Afiojeel guardacorrea(A). ElguardacorreaestAsujetoa la parte inferiordelbastidorde lacortadora,Figura22.

5.Afiojela poleaIoca(B) aflojandoel pernoy la tuerca,Figura22.

6.Extraigala correa(C) dealrededorde las poleas,Figura22.


7.Pasela nuevacorreaalrededorde las poleasasegur_.ndosede ajustarlas tuercas,pernos,y el guardacorrea.

8.Vuelvaa colocarlacubiertade lacorrea.


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Craftsman 247.887330 manual Reeiviplazo DE LAS Correas, Instalaci6n de cuchillas, Reemplazo de la correa de transmisi6n

247.887330 specifications

The Craftsman 247.887330 is a versatile and powerful lawn tractor designed to efficiently handle various yard tasks, making it an essential tool for homeowners with extensive lawns or gardens. This model is particularly known for combining user-friendly features with robust performance, ensuring a seamless mowing experience.

One of the standout features of the Craftsman 247.887330 is its 19 HP Briggs & Stratton engine. This powerful engine provides ample torque, enabling the tractor to tackle thick grass and uneven terrain with ease. The engine is designed for longevity and reliability, ensuring that homeowners can depend on it for years of service.

This lawn tractor boasts a 42-inch cutting deck, which strikes a balance between maneuverability and cutting efficiency. The deck size allows the user to cover larger areas in less time while still being compact enough to navigate through narrow paths and garden beds. The cutting height can be easily adjusted to multiple positions, providing flexibility for different lawn conditions and personal preferences.

In addition to its powerful engine and efficient cutting deck, the Craftsman 247.887330 incorporates advanced technologies to enhance user comfort and control. The automatic transmission allows for smooth gear shifting, making it simple to navigate various terrains without the hassle of manual adjustments. Moreover, the tight turning radius ensures that the tractor can easily navigate around obstacles such as trees, flower beds, and garden decor.

Ergonomics play a vital role in the design of the Craftsman 247.887330. The tractor is equipped with a comfortable high-back seat that provides support during extended periods of use. Furthermore, the user-friendly control panel is intuitive, allowing operators to easily adjust settings while maintaining focus on their mowing task.

The Craftsman 247.887330 is also designed with storage convenience in mind. The rear bagger accessory is available, which allows for effortless collection of grass clippings, enhancing lawn health and reducing cleanup time. With robust construction, reliable performance, and thoughtful features, the Craftsman 247.887330 stands out as a top choice for homeowners seeking an efficient and effective lawn care solution. Whether tackling routine mowing or more challenging landscaping tasks, this lawn tractor proves its worth time and time again.