Creative MediaSource
Editing audio track information
Only basic instructions on how to use Creative MediaSource with your player are provided in this chapter — configuration instructions and more detailed usage information are found in the Creative MediaSource Help file.
You may need to edit track information when the information is incomplete or wrong.
To edit information about a track
1.If you are not already in Creative MediaSource Organizer, click the Player/Organizer View button.
2.In the Content window, locate the track you want to edit, and
3.Select the Properties option. A dialog box appears.
4.Select the Tag Information tab.
5.Click a track property under the Property column. The entire row of information is highlighted.
6.Click an information in the Value field to edit it.
7.Repeat steps 5 and 6 to change other track properties.
8.Click the OK button when all changes have been made. The new track information will be stored.
To edit information about multiple tracks
1.If you are not already in Creative MediaSource Organizer, click the Player/Organizer View button.
2.In the Content window, locate the tracks you want to edit, hold down the CTRL key and select them.
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