Port Status

Port Status: Here you can see the status information like registration status, hook status, call status, cable status, etc about each port. The table has following columns as explained below:

Port: This is the port number of device.

Port Type: This column displays the type of port.

Cable Status: Indicates whether the cable is connected to the FXO port or not.

Hook Status: Whether the port is off hook (busy) or on hook (idle) is displayed in this column.

Registration Status: This column shows ‘Registered’ if the registration for this port is successful with VoIP server and it shows ‘Not Registered’ if the registration is not done for this port or the registration has failed.

Call Status: This column shows the call status of port. It shows ‘Idle’ if the port is free and not busy in any other call. It shows ‘Alert’ if the phone connected on port is ringing for incoming calls. It shows ‘Progress’ when port has made an outgoing call and is waiting for response from called party. It shows ‘Connected’ if the port is in call.

Disconnect: This button can be used to disconnect the active call. It is active only when the Call Status is not ‘Idle’.

The page automatically refreshes periodically. You can also click on ‘REFRESH’ button to reload the page with current status.

D-Link DIV-140 User Guide


Page 40
Image 40
D-Link DIV-140 manual Port Status