Enable: Enable a line; if some lines are not used, disable them (Pause Function) to avoid unnecessary waiting when an incoming call is diverting to this line.

Hotline Functions

FXS port: When the user picks up the phone, the gateway automatically dials your assigned hotline number. When in hotline mode, other lines cannot be used.

Hot Line No.: Enter the hot line number for an automatic dialing function.

Warm Line: When the warm line function is in use, user can dial a number. Otherwise the system will divert incoming calls from an outside line to the Hot Line Number after a set wait time.

FXS Group: Select group hunting when there is an incoming call, the gateway will automatically assign an unassigned call according to Hunting Priority. If Line 2 does not want to be set as an assigned line to receive any inbound calls, the function can be disabled. Users can also use the Up or Down key to adjust hunting priority.

Enable FAX: Enable this line to detect if there is a FAX tone to transfer the Codec.

Ring Time Limit(10 - 600secs)The timeout to cancel a call when no one answers.

Enable End of Digit ToneThe gateway will play a “Beep-Beep” tone to notify the call is in progress.

VoIP Calling Notification: The gateway will play a tone to notify the call is through VoIP.

Force Calling Thru PSTN code: Dial the code to get a PSTN line for dial out. For example: If you would like dial “23456789” through PSTN and Force Calling Thru PSTN code is *33, just dial “*33 23456789”

Early Media Treatment: If it is disabled, the system will send RTP immediately when the connection with Proxy is set up. The default is enabled. If communicating with other Gateway has problem, please disable this function.

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D-Link DVG-2032S user manual Hotline Functions