SIP Message Resend Timer Base: SIP packet will resend if response didn't arrive in the base time set in this column. It will send again at "base time" * 2, and send again at "base time" *2 *2. The max of resend time is 4 sec. Resend will stop/restart when total resend 20sec has reached.
Max. Response Time for Invite: If the destination does not reply in the set time, this call is failed.
Invite URL need ‘user=phone’: There is ‘user=phone’ in invite packet.
Reliability of Provisional Responses: Provide information on the progress of the request processing if ticked.
Compact Form: It decreases the size of SIP header if ticked.
International Call Prefix Digit: Enter the International call prefix.
Country Code: Users please select the desired country code.
Long Distance Call prefix Digit: The
Area Code: Please enter the area code.
E.164 Numbering: To invite Proxy to follow the E.164 rule. It depends on the Proxy. If you fail to make a call, please contact your ITSP.