After a few moments the ioscan utility lists all of the SCSI I/O
devices it could find. If there is a SCSI floppy drive in the list,
that listing appears similar to the following:
H/W Path Description Status
============================== floppy_drive ok(nnnnnn)
If you are using HP-UX 10.0, enter the following at the prompt:
/usr/sbin/ioscan –d sflop Enter
After a few moments the ioscan utility lists all of the SCSI
floppy I/O devices it could find. The list appears similar to the
H/W Path Class Description
8 bc I/O Adapter
8/12 ba Core I/O Adapter
8/12/5 ext_bus Built-in SCSI
8/12/5.0 target
8/12/5.0.0 disk TEAC FC-1 HF 07
If ioscan does not see your floppy drive it returns the following
ioscan: No hardware found
If you receive this message, go to Chapter 6, “Solving Prob-