A network computer (workstation). Each node in the network can use
the data, programs, and devices of other network nodes. Each node
contains main memory and has its own disk or shares one with anoth-
er node. See also disked workstation, diskless workstation,
node name
A unique identifying name given to a workstation in a cluster. See
also cluster, node.
nonvolatile memory
System memory that retains its contents even after workstation power
is turned off.
Any file, directory, or link in the network. See also directory, file,
link, pathname.
operating system
The program that supervises the execution of other programs on your
workstation. For example, the entire HP–UX system, including the
kernel and all HP–UX commands. See also kernel.
See command option.
output device
Any of several pieces of hardware used for receiving messages from
the workstation. Display screens and printers are examples of output
devices. See also input device.